How To Have a Relationship with God How To Have a Relationship with God

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This is the most important thing you need to know is God loves you and God IS with you. God knows where you are in life, God knows what you are feeling and God cares about you and your life. God has great plans for you. All He wants is for you to trust His plans for your life and know that God will never leave or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8).

You Can Have God In Your Life

In life we often have a feeling something is missing, em emptiness in us that no matter what we try to fill it with we can never seem to make that empty feeling go away. That emptiness, the thing we are missing is love, Gods love. God created us. We were designed to be in contact with our Creator and when we don’t have that connection that is what gives us that empty/something is missing feeling.

How To Have a Relationship with God

We can actually know God is real, we can actually feel His presence in our life. We can feel His love. When we don’t feel Gods presence or love it is because there are thing that can separate us from God. However we can make ourselves connected to God again to feel His love and presence.

How To Feel Gods Presence and Love

  1. Seek a relationship with God. – In the Bible it says God reveals Himself to those that seek Him. God wants us to put effort into a relationship with Him. Seek a relationship with God and you will have one.
  2. Believe in Jesus – God sent His Son to earth, Jesus Christ who died for our sins. He did this so we could have a relationship with God, so when we sinned we could repent and be forgiven. Believe that Jesus is your Savior and you are saved (Romans 10:9).
  3. Stay away from sin – (as much as you can, no one is perfect!) sin separates us from God. Repenting for your sins takes away that separation and restores the connection between yourself and God. Repent for your sins and stay away from sin as much as possible.
  4. Stay away from worldly things – this world has so many messages telling us to chase money, fame, possessions. All these things are temporary and don’t fulfill the empty feeling inside. Make God your main focus. Make your relationship with God be the thing you seek the most and God will provide what you need.

You must not give up! Remember relationships are not instant, relationships take time and effort to grow stronger. Pray everyday and keep seeking a relationship with God and you will feel His presence and love. God loves you so much and has amazing plans for you. You are His child, trust He wants all good things for you.