What Does The Bible Say About Tarot Cards What Does The Bible Say About Tarot Cards

What Does The Bible Say About Tarot Cards

What does the Bible say about Tarot Cards

Today we are looking at psychics, divination and what does the Bible say about tarot cards? Today we are diving into a fascinating topic that’s often surrounded by mystery which is psychics. Specifically we’ll be exploring what the Bible has to say about psychics, mediums, the practice of divination and using divination tools such as tarot cards.

The Bible addresses the issue of Psychics, mediums and Divination in several passages offering both guidance and a warning to Believers. One of the clearest statements is found in Deuteronomy 18:10-12 where it says “there shall not be found among you anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets Omens or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer. For whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord”.

Saying this is ‘an Abomination to the Lord’ is extremely strong wording for God to use, so this warning is meant to be taken seriously. So why is this warning so strong? Well there’s several reasons at its core the Bible warns us against seeking guidance from sources other than God himself. By Consulting psychics or mediums we’re essentially placing our trust in human beings or spiritual entities rather than trusting in God’s wisdom and guidance.

Furthermore the Bible tells us that the future is ultimately in God’s hands and only He knows what lies ahead in the future. So seeking to uncover the future through psychics, it just leads to confusion, deception and even spiritual harm. Another reason is because God does not want you to be deceived.

Who Are Psychics Speaking To?

It says in the Bible the Devil comes to cause confusion and poses as an angel of Light. Light in biblical times meant goodness. So this means the devil pretends to be something good so you don’t realize the devil’s actually behind it. Psychics often think they are speaking to deceased loved ones angels, saints, spirit guides but the Bible assures us that none of that is true. That you are only ever speaking to demons pretending to be these things.

Why Do Psychics Give Good News?

Many people often ask you know but psychics seem to give good news so why would the devil deceive psychics and pretend to be something good? Well this is because once again you are seeking wisdom from something other than God which he asked you not to do. It’s also practicing the occult which ultimately is a practice of the devil it’s not a Godly practice. So this deception of Psychics is leading you away from a true relationship with God and just closer to the devil.

How Do Psychics Give Accurate Readings?

Another question I see frequently is how do psychics give accurate readings? The truth is psychics are really speaking to demons. Demons hang around families for generations so they know if you have a brother or sister or a grandmother who has just passed away. They know your circumstances. So this is simply demons feeding this information that they know about you to the psychic so you are deceived.

How Do Psychics Predict The Future?

A follow-up question as well is, how do psychics predict the future then? The truth is that they actually can’t. Demons tell psychics guesses of what may happen in your future and these are educated guesses based off demons following your family and you. Sometimes these guesses will come true and then it seem like the psychic is real, but most of the time they don’t come true.

In Leviticus 19:31 it explains psychics are simply deceived people who are being used by the devil to lead others astray and not to seek out psychics. The verse says “do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritualists for you will be defiled by them I am the Lord your God”.

Can You Follow God And Be A Psychic?

Some people claim they are both, that they are a follower of God and a psychic and the short answer here, once again, this is someone who is deceived and is not really following God. God’s word, the Bible, still applies to us today. His instructions to us apply today and they are there to guide us, protect us, grow us closer to Him and these instructions warn very clearly that you cannot do both. You cannot follow God plus the occult. You cannot follow God and take part in the devil’s activities.

In 1 Corinthians 10 it says “you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too, you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons. Are you trying to arouse the Lord’s jealousy? Are we stronger than He?”

What If You Have Been Using Tarot Cards?

If you’ve practiced tarot cards or you’ve been to medium readings, or you’ve been to a
psychic already the best thing you can do from this point on is to trust God. Trust that God says the messages these ‘people ‘psychics’ are receiving are not from Him. These messages are not from anything good and it’s demonic deception. Repent of these things and ask God to guide you, to grow closer to Him and walk His path.

It’s important to remember the devil’s mission is to lead us away from God by any means necessary. The devil is not going to be obvious, the devil is not going to walk up to you and ask you to sign your soul away. The devil will pretend to be something good and slowly lead you astray. This is why it’s so important we actually read the Bible and listen to God’s words to know what is and what is not from Him.

It’s also important, especially if you do believe that it’s okay to be a psychic or if you think you really are speaking to angels, to remember that we don’t know better than God. God absolutely warns in the Bible this is not a Godly practice. There is not anything but evil and deception behind it. God says many times in the Bible, not to lean on your own understanding but to trust what God is saying to you. It’s really important that if we have a belief that goes against God’s word to be open to the fact that we have been deceived and repent.

I hope this answers your question of What Does The Bible Say About Tarot Cards? If you have a question about the Bible or Christianity leave it in the comments or on our YouTube and God bless you!

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