What Are The 7 Deadly Sins In The Bible What Are The 7 Deadly Sins In The Bible

What Are The 7 Deadly Sins In The Bible

What are the 7 deadly sins in the Bible? The 7 deadly sins are pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed. The 7 deadly sins are also referred to as ‘capital sins’ or ‘cardinal sins’. While all these sins are mentioned in the Bible the term ‘7 deadly sins’ comes from Catholic Theology and was first defined by Pope Gregory the Great.

The 7 Deadly Sins

1. Pride (Superbia): Pride, often considered the root of all sins, is an excessive belief in one’s abilities or accomplishments, leading to arrogance and disdain for others. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Greek and Christian traditions, where it was viewed as the most grievous of sins due to its defiance of divine authority and elevation of the self above others.

2. Greed (Avaritia): Greed, the insatiable desire for wealth or possessions, has its origins in the pursuit of material gain at the expense of spiritual or moral values. In both religious and secular contexts, greed is condemned for its destructive effects on individuals and societies, fostering inequality, exploitation, and moral decay.

3. Wrath (Ira): Wrath, or anger, arises from a sense of injustice or wrongdoing and manifests in feelings of resentment, hostility, or revenge. Its origins lie in the primal instinct for self-preservation and defense, but when unchecked, it can lead to violence, conflict, and suffering.

4. Envy (Invidia): Envy, the desire for what others possess, stems from feelings of inadequacy, resentment, or covetousness. Its origins can be traced to the human propensity to compare oneself to others, often resulting in bitterness, jealousy, and the undermining of relationships and communities.

5. Lust (Luxuria): Lust, the intense desire for sexual gratification, has deep roots in human biology and psychology, driven by primal instincts and reproductive urges. Lust is sinful because it objectifies others, disregards consent, or leads to exploitation and harm.

6. Gluttony (Gula): Gluttony, the excessive consumption of food or drink, arises from the primal instinct for survival and pleasure. Its origins can be found in the struggle to satisfy physical hunger and cravings, but when indulged to excess, it can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual harm.

7. Sloth (Acedia): Sloth, or laziness, is characterized by apathy, indifference, or neglect of one’s duties or responsibilities. Its origins can be traced to the human tendency to avoid discomfort or exertion, seeking instead comfort and ease. However, sloth impedes personal growth, productivity, and fulfillment, leading to stagnation and wasted potential.


So what can we learn from these biblical teachings on the 7 deadly sins? These are the most common sins human beings commit. God does not expect us to be perfect, God knows we all make mistakes but if we feel the desire to sin, we can turn to God in prayer and ask for strength. If we do sin we can ask God for forgiveness as Jesus Christ died for our sins so we have the grace and mercy of God’s forgiveness. God does forgive us when we repent.

I hope this answers your question of What Are The 7 Deadly Sins In The Bible? If you have a question about the Bible or Christianity leave it in the comments or on our YouTube and God bless you!

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