Did Jesus Have A Tattoo Did Jesus Have A Tattoo

Did Jesus Have A Tattoo

Today we are looking at did Jesus have a tattoo based on the verse in Revelation, so let’s get straight into this!

Did Jesus Have a Tattoo

In Revelation 19:16 it describes Jesus saying “On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords.” Of course this verse sounds like Jesus has a tattoo but that may not be the case. The Bible also described Jesus as ‘”‘eyes like blazing fire’ (verse 12), ‘His robe soaked in blood’ (verse 13) and a ‘sword coming out of His mouth’ (verse 15). However none of these descriptions are literal but rather figurative. It’s more than likely the name written on His thighs is also figurative or describing a word that is on His robe covering His thigh.

Tattoos In The Bible

In the Old Testament in Leviticus 19:28 declares “do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves I am the Lord”.

Now at first glance this seems like like it’s saying that we can’t get tattoos but it’s always important to remember with every Bible verse context and the time at which this was written. This verse is situated in a chapter that outlines the various laws for ancient Israel including prohibitions against Pagan mourning rituals and practices associated with idolatry.

So this verse is actually in reference to God telling the Israelite’s to keep themselves set apart as God’s chosen people and not to partake in the neighbors Pagan practices. It’s not referencing the type of modern tattoos we get today however there is also another verse we need to consider with this question.

In the New Testament it says in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God you are not your own you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your bodies”.

So that verse also does not say you can’t have a tattoo but that verse does emphasize that we are meant to honor God in everything we do including what we do with our body.

Whether or not you get a tattoo is really up to you it’s really personal preference. The Bible does not say that you can’t have a tattoo but it would be wise to take that verse into consideration and stay away from tattoos that promote sin, anything demonic or anything ungodly.

What If You Got a ungodly Tattoo Before Being Saved?

Now if you already have a tattoo that does promote sin or something demonic or something ungodly and you got this before being saved that’s okay! It’s not going to affect your relationship with God. God still chose you. God still loves you. This is not going to separate you from God. It is not a sin, it’s just something that you did before being saved and that’s okay.

The Most Important Thing To Remember

It’s really important to remember two things here when we’re talking about tattoos or similar subjects of the Bible the first is we’re not meant to judge one another. We’re meant to treat each other with love, so whether or not someone has tattoos, it’s not our place to judge. Remember to treat your brother and sister in Christ and those that are not saved with love.

The other important thing to remember is at the end of the day what God cares about is a relationship with you and that and He cares about your heart. That you truly want to know Him that’s the important message of the Bible.

I hope this answers your question of What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos In Revelations? If you have a question about the Bible or Christianity leave it in the comments or on our YouTube. God bless you!

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