What Does The Bible Say About Polygamy What Does The Bible Say About Polygamy

What Does The Bible Say About Polygamy

What is polygamy? What does the Bible say about polygamy? Let’s get straight into this polygamy is the practice of having multiple spouses.

Polygamy in the Bible

It’s a topic that’s addressed in several passages of the Bible particularly in the Old Testament so let’s take a closer look at what scripture has to say. What does the Bible say in the Old Testament we see examples of polygamy among prominent figures such as Abraham, Jacob, David and Solomon.

These individuals had multiple wives and their poly-amorous relationships are described in various passages. However it’s important to note that while polygamy may have been tolerated in certain cultural contexts of the ancient near East the Bible does not say that God endorsed it or condoned it as an ideal relationship model.

How God Intended Relationships

in fact when we look at God’s original design for marriage we see a clear pattern of monogamy in Genesis 2:24 it says “therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh”.

From the beginning God intended for marriage to be a sacred Union between one man and one woman characterized by faithfulness, love and mutual respect. Throughout the Bible we also see warnings and consequences associated with poly-amorous relationships. In the case of Solomon for example his many wives led him astray from worshiping the one true God, ultimately resulting in his downfall.

Additionally the New Testament reinforces the importance of monogamy in marriage in passages such as Ephesians 5:31 and 1 Timothy 3:2. The relationship between Christ and the church is likened to that of a husband and wife emphasizing again that marriage is one man and one woman and a commitment of marriage.


So what can we learn from these biblical teachings on polygamy? While the Bible records instances of poly-amorous relationships it doesn’t endorse them as God’s ideal plan for marriage. Instead it presents monogamy as God’s standard to which couples are called to Aspire.

I hope this answers your question of What Does The Bible Say About Polygamy? If you have a question about the Bible or Christianity leave it in the comments or on our YouTube and God bless you!

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